Friday, November 6, 2009

Bellevue people...

I had a call today from an incredibly upset woman from Bellevue WA. GREAT! bellevue people always seem to talk down to me ( probably cause I drive a '91 Saab and not a 2010 bentley... sorry for the stereotype Bellevue) Anyways, she starts yelling at me for turning a blue light on that is "very distracting while Im driving" WATCH THE ROAD!!! people like you cause wreaks! anyways she insisted that she needed to speak with a Blackberry specialist because there was no possible way I could know how to fix anything on HER phone. about 30 seconds later I had directed her through turning the damn blue light off. she then said the best thing ever, "OH! thanks, I still hate Verizon and you though!" click. Call ended. So please, don't underestimate tech support peoples knowledge, it just makes you look like an ass.

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